• Tag Archives journaling
  • Working with Aspects of the Soul: Intuition

    Working with intuition seems difficult as I continue to face financial challenge. Often I am pre-occupied with a knot of fear in my stomach and as I follow that rather than opening to my heart I remain a little stuck. Doing, focusing on what is required for my physical self seems to take me away from that knot and yet it returns when my thoughts turn inward again. I’m feeling it now as I begin this post.

    What is the fear? Why am I wasting my time doing this when I should be out finding a job, earning money, putting food on the table, moving away from relying on the goodwill of my family and friends. At the same time there is a deep and sincere gratitude for their support over this period.

    Having said that intuition had a large part to play as my blog unfolded yesterday. Not simply getting in there and doing it but going back and googling A Beautiful Mind clarified the truth about the story which gave me a new trail to follow.

    I kept reminding myself throughout the day to be feel connected to intuition. I carried the sensation of connection to the void during my conscious connected breathing session on Friday of being in the light. My physical self felt more poised.

    My first task of the day to pick up my daughter from the airport. As I drove out there I seemed to be in perfect alignment with time. I was trusting that I’d arrive there and she’d be waiting to go. At Christchurch airport you have 20 mins free parking before you have to pay. I parked and got to the terminal there was a little delay and then she was on the stairs. Once we’d connected I quickly excused myself to get the car. Perfect – no charge.

    Visited my Mum and Dad to catch them up with their granddaughter. Got home and my son had breakfast lining up – couldn’t have written that one in the plan. Headed off to the Mall and we went separate ways.

    Perfect opportunity to allow a finer tuned experience of intuition. I allowed that void experience to be present and decided on the shop I felt she’d be. I went there and she wasn’t. Never mind I wandered around remaining open to pick up any hunch. She’d said she was in the market for a pair of shorts and I walked past all the places I felt might be a place where she’d shop. It was when I returned to my original hunch that she wandered up. She’d been sidetracked to sleepwear.

    Another interesting experience when in the afternoon I was back at the same Mall with my son and his friend in tow as well. We were walking back to the car where I’d expected them to be – I’d seen them walking that way. I got back to the car and they weren’t. They’d been in the Mall and walked from the other side towards us and I’d missed them. My expectations coloured my experience of intuition. I needed to let go of expectation.

    Hindsight too is a wonderful thing. I looked after my nephews that night. And the eldest is having some difficulty sleeping at the moment. I was having some quiet time with the tv and when he got out of bed I’d try to allay his fears – yes I’ll send Mummy in when she gets home etc. I won’t say I should’ve used another way. The intuitive hindsight was that I’d’ve been better to sit down with him and talk him through it – find out what was really bothering him. There are NLP practitioners that live quite close to him that could work with that sleeplessness process in a more focused way than me. I’ll suggest it.

    This is the final post with regard to working with Aspects of the Soul. When I followed a similar process we repeated each aspect 3 times to intensify its presence in our consciousness.

    Creating intention in the morning and following through later in the evening or early the next day by journaling is an ongoing process as we sift through our experiences  to discover what works and what doesn’t.

    On my next post I’ll be working with the Qualities of the Soul in the same as I have for the Aspects.


  • Design, Mine, Refine

    I have been struggling for a few days now with the next post for my blog. I realized what I was trying to do was paraphrase what some else had written. While their headings were universal themes, the experience written of was unique to them.  I was wasting my time trying to restate what was said. Instead, I began to use the headings to stimulate musings based on my personal experience. Also it became clear I needed to write and add this post before continuing.

    In the previous post I had given a series of headings about the soul on which I had offered my thoughts. Headings are great starting points as you begin to explore your inner self through journaling 

    A previous experience I had with journaling was quite illuminating. I was following the writings of Judith Wright in her book The One Decision. By following the different themes and journaling as prescribed I arrived at a better understanding of myself in regards to living my One Decision which was to live more soulfully.

    From this it became clear that the process could not only be used for Judith’s themes but also for other themes I thought worthwhile. In my experience of shamanic journeying there was a similar process at work. Prior to journeying I’d create an intention then enter the meditative state for the journey. I’d meet with guides who in some way would fulfil my intention. Judith’s themes were also intentions for each day. Intention evolves into inspiration. What am I inspired to experience? This is the Design.

    The journaling process becomes a morning meditation after which I write down my inspiration for the day. I allow the day to unfold allowing myself to just be, however it plays out. I then journal again in the evening. As I write down my current reality, you may sense negativity in the days experience. (Over the holiday period I’m encountering a financial slow down and I feel fear when I’m unsure how my bills are going to be paid). I continue to write knowing that writing is a peaceful activity for me.

    I am inspired to write at this time. At the end of the day I look back at how my day evolved. I Mine the day. What are my experiences? What emotion was brought up during the day? 

    Then I Refine. Is how the day played out in accord with my inspiration? Where is the Gold? Were there things I could have done better? Are there bits I’d prefer to leave behind tomorrow (the tailings)? 

    You needn’t meditate to come up with an inspiration or intention. The inspiration may come as you read, or listen to a piece of music, as you take a walk or while you ponder, or maybe create, a piece of art.

    Journaling is a creative process. Writing is just one starting point. Painting or drawing your experience is just as valuable. You might even choose to dance if you’re familiar with that expression. In the shamanic tradition when Creator gifted you a power animal one of the ways of honouring that would be to dance it.

    In matters of the soul allow your heart to be your guide. The Way of the Creative Mythologer may be evoked through inspiration. Inspiration speaks to the heart, the home of the soul in the body. If you aspire to become more soul conscious pay exquisite attention to your heart. Read mythology while being heart-centred. If you are inspired by what you read, journal the theme or themes and work with them.

    The next post is Characteristics of the Soul and lends itself to using a journaling practice with it.